6 reasons for making your online course application-only

6 reasons for making your online course application-only

#online courses
Publish Date
Feb 24, 2021
Your prospect lands on your sales page, whips out their credit card, enters their details...and done. You've got a new student!
So, why would you add an obstacle to this buying process by asking prospects to fill out an application and schedule a 1:1 call with you first?
Talking to every single potential student sounds awfully time-consuming.
But here are six reasons why it might make sense for you to go down this route:
  1. You can hand-select the students who are most likely to succeed. After all, you want great case studies you can rave about after the course.
  1. You can let your prospects sell themselves on participating by answering questions like "What would you create/do when you join this course?"
  1. You can immediately answer any questions. In turn, you know where your marketing hasn't done a good job and you can improve it.
  1. You keep the quality of the course community high by only selecting students who are a great fit. That elevates the overall student experience.
  1. You avoid impulse buyers who are often not great students, reducing the risk of refunds.
  1. You add an element of exclusivity. Just like limited-edition items, buyers often want something more when it's not readily available.
Making your course application-only is for you if you want to keep the group small and intimate and/or you're selling a high-ticket experience.
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