Everyone needs a swipe file: Here's why and how to create one

Everyone needs a swipe file: Here's why and how to create one

Publish Date
Jul 26, 2021

What's a swipe file?

It's your own collection of great copy (and/or designs) that you've come across. A swipe file can contain emails, article snippets, landing pages, ads, headlines...whatever you find inspiring.

Why do you need one?

Because you want to be prepared for the inevitable moment when you're stuck.
When you don't know what to write, how to write something, or whatever you're putting on the page just seems dull.
In these cases, you need inspiration! With a swipe file, you can get inspired on demand.

How to create your swipe file:

Step 1: Pick one place to host your swipe file

I chose Evernote for the following reasons:
  • I can easily capture via the Webclipper Chrome extension.
  • I can directly forward emails to it.
  • I can store large files.
Notion is a good option, too.
Your swipe file should be easy to access and capture whatever you want to save frictionless.

Step 2: Start capturing

Now, let's fill your swipe file. If a piece of copy made you buy something or generally strikes a chord with you, save it.
It only takes an additional 5 seconds or so. I know it's a new habit to embrace, but it's worth it!

Step 3: Get inspired

Pull up your swipe file whenever you feel stuck. I even like to randomly read through it before I start writing sometimes...just to get into the groove.

Don't feel like creating your own?

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