How long should your landing page be?

How long should your landing page be?

Publish Date
May 11, 2021
I get this question a lot.
Between the lines, there's a fear of adding too much text and losing the reader's attention.
Because people don't have the time and patience to read online, right?
Well, actually, people consume long-form content all the time. If it's something they're interested in, and there's a chance, it will solve one of their problems.
Your page can never be too long, only too boring.
Even a short page can be a total snooze fest and turn people away.
And here's another pitfall of short copy: It often gets abstract and loses specificity.
For the sake of saving space, you gloss over details and cut examples that would help your reader understand and truly connect with you.
Your page should be as long as it needs to be to make a clear, compelling argument for what you're offering.
"Great! Thanks, Julia. But I still don't know how long exactly my page should be."
I got you!
Here's a useful rule of thumb I learned from the folks at Copyhackers: The 100 Words/Minute Rule.
Imagine meeting your prospect in person or on Zoom. How long would it take you to explain what you're selling and help them decide to buy or not?
Maybe you're offering a simple Notion Template that you can explain in 5 minutes. Then, a 500-word landing page will probably suffice.
If you're offering a $2,000 6-week cohort-based course, you'd have way more explanation and clarification to do. A 4,500-word sales page could replace a 45-minute conversation.
Treat this as a rough guideline for the length of your page.
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