How to start a cohort-based course without starting a cohort-based course

How to start a cohort-based course without starting a cohort-based course

Publish Date
Feb 19, 2021
The world has some tremendously smart people who are incredible at what they do. Their skillset packaged up into a course could help so many.
The challenge is that experts don’t necessarily have an audience they could market to immediately (e.g., an email list or followers), even though they might be well connected in their industry.
And painstakingly building an audience first would just kill their momentum.
So how could you still launch a first cohort fast and gain important experience teaching online?
My suggestion: Don’t start a cohort-based course. Start a small group coaching program. An exclusive experience for selected individuals.
This will allow you to…
  • find and put together a group of committed students more easily
  • get to know your students intimately and deeply understand their challenges
  • test out your material and improve it immediately as you receive feedback from your students
  • charge a premium price as you’re offering more direct access to you
The main goal is to prove your concept and get your students a win.
With the first cohort and glowing testimonials under your belt, it will be much easier to scale the second one into a full-fledged cohort-based course (if you still want that).
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