Send this email after your launch if you want to be better prepared for your next one

Send this email after your launch if you want to be better prepared for your next one

Publish Date
Apr 21, 2021
Aaaaaand enrollment is closed!
You've just completed a launch, and your new students are waiting excitedly for their onboarding.
While many people said, "Yes, l want to learn from you!" the majority of your list probably didn't join your course.
They received your emails, maybe even read many of them, but didn't take action.
And it's worth finding out why!
When you know which hurdles keep your audience from signing up for your course, you can actively address and resolve them.
So, one day after we closed enrollment for Minimum Viable Video, we send the following simple email to everyone who didn't buy:
I noticed you didn't join Minimum Viable Video.Ā 
That's cool, we're still friends šŸ˜Š.
As I'm always trying to improve, could you tell me one or two things that would convince you to give it a try?
Just hit reply and let me know. Iā€™d really appreciate it!
By the way, I have a FREE resource that might be interesting for you...
Because we always want to provide value, we ended the email with an invitation to our free 14-day Camera Confidence Challenge.
We received over 20 replies that gave us a glimpse into the lives of our subscribers and started insightful exchanges.
It was also validating to hear that many enjoyed our launch email series and found value in what we shared.
So, ask your subscribers directly for feedback! You have nothing to lose, and you show that you care about their needs.
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