Social Media Hub

When I hired a Social Media Writer at Forte Labs last year, I created a dedicated Notion space to onboard her (one of my 7 tips for working effectively with contractors.)

The aim was to document our workflow and provide her with all resources she needs to create valuable social media posts for our channels every week.

This “Social Media Hub” quickly became our go-to place to collaborate on our social media presence. But even if you’re working on your own, a dedicated workspace helps you stay organized and on track.

Now, I’ve turned our Social Media Hub into a template you can steal. Here’s what’s included:

  • Weekly Workflow: Capture ideas for the upcoming week and draft your posts right in Notion.

  • Your Social Media Channels: Keep an overview of your active channels and guidelines around what you’re sharing on each.

  • Content Mix: Achieve a healthy balance between providing value, promoting your paid offers, and getting people onto your email list. A list of your free resources, lead magnets, and paid offers (incl. UTM links) helps you draft CTAs quickly.

  • Resources: Keep a database of your podcast appearances, YouTube collaborations, and articles. Link to your brand voice & style guide, media kit, and social media post templates for easy access.

  • Analytics: Identify your best-performing content and track your audience size growth over time.

Want to try it out? Click “Duplicate” in the upper right-hand corner to save a copy to your Notion workspace. Then start replacing the links and content with your own.

I put a lot of work and care into this website and these templates. If you got value out of them, consider supporting me by buying me a coffee. I appreciate it!


Sales Page Template