The First/Last/Best/Worst/Weirdest Idea Generator

The First/Last/Best/Worst/Weirdest Idea Generator

Content Marketing
Publish Date
Oct 23, 2021
How to never run out of content ideas:
Try the First/Last/Best/Worst/Weirdest Idea Generator!
We ran this exercise with our Minimum Viable Video students and it was a hit. Here's how it works:

Step #1: Pick a topic

For example: • Jobs you've had • Advice you received • Thing you made • Boss you had • Thing you learned • (Anything you want)

Step #2: Generate story ideas around this topic

For example: What was the first/last job you've had? What was the best/worst job you've had? What was the weirdest job you've ever had?

Step #3: Come up with takeaways for each story

Ask yourself... • What did I learn from this story? • How might others benefit from this story? • How did this experience change me?

Step #4: Use your stories in your content

Film a short video. Write an atomic essay. Record a racket.
Tip: Do this exercise with a friend and share your stories with each other. As one of our students pointed out: Hearing other people's stories reminds us of our own similar experiences and gives us new fodder to work with.
As far as I know, the First/Last/Best/Worst/Weirdest exercise originated from Catherine Burns, Artistic Director of The Moth. Try it out! I'm curious what you come up with.