The simple funnel to launch your course

At the top is the cold traffic. Those are the people who don't know you...yet.

So, how can they discover you? Pick the two to three most important channels and go all-in on publishing content there.

The next step is to draw the right people into your world to get them onto your email list.

Offering a lead magnet (a free offer) that solves a specific problem for your audience and gives them a quick win is a great way to do that.

Once on your email list, nurture your subscribers with regular, valuable emails.

You want to be the person whose emails they always read, so when you're ready to launch, they'll be excited about your offer.

You can drive people to your sales page with a dedicated email sequence and even live workshops.

Now it's up to you to create a transformational learning experience for your students.

Their results can feed positively into the top of your funnel and showcase what your course can do.


7 counterintuitive lessons about creating online and building an audience