Running out of content ideas? Go "Titles First"

Running out of content ideas? Go "Titles First"

Content Marketing
Publish Date
May 3, 2021
How do YouTubers who publish 3 videos per week and marketers who send an email every day never seem to run out of things to say?
Something I've always wondered...and maybe you do, too.
Well, they use a technique called “Titles First” to come up with content their audience wants to read and watch.
It means writing down a catchy title (or headline) first and developing the matching content second.
That's different from how many creators approach content creation. We write the content first – everything we want to pack into our video or article. The headline is often an afterthought. (I've certainly been guilty of this).
But the title is what gets people curious about our content in the first place. It's what people click.
With the "Titles First" technique, your headline is the starting point.
Before you get started applying this, you need to have two things in place:
🏔 An overarching topic: Otherwise, you’ll end up going in too many random directions. For me, this is “building, launching, and scaling online courses.”
🤓 Understanding of your audience: What are they struggling with? What do they want to achieve? What’s holding them back?
Every question your audience asks themselves is a potential content piece for you. You’ve gotta go talk to them to find out.
When you’ve got this down, set yourself a timer and write down as many catchy titles you can think of.
Bonus points if you do it with another person for combined brainpower.
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