8 marketing principles every online course creator should know and follow

If you want to build an audience and find your ideal students, follow these principles:

1. Teach, don't sell

If you hate selling, then focus on teaching people what you know instead.

They'll naturally want to know more and even spend $$$ if they're already getting value from you.

2. Give away your best ideas for free

Your course is your content.

Example: 99% of Ramit Sethi’s content is free and his online courses are wildly successful.

People ultimately pay for the accountability and motivation to follow through.

3. Keep showing up

When someone follows you on Twitter or entered their email address, they want to hear from you!

Now it’s your duty to show up and give them what they asked for: valuable content.

If you don’t show up, you’re depriving them of your expertise and experience.

4. Optimize for conversion before finding new traffic

Casting your net wider doesn't do anything if these new people don't stick around and join your email list.

Give them a killer call-to-action to join your list (maybe through a lead magnet).

5. Never lead people to a dead end

Always give them the next step.

Examples: Lead them to your best resources instead of just thanking them for subscribing to your newsletter.

6. Successful students are your best marketing

When they win, you win.

Share testimonials and case studies of how students have succeeded in your course and what results they've gotten.

7. Keep it real

Always be honest and transparent.

What's really needed to succeed in your course? How much time do students have to invest to get results? Who is not a good fit?

Make sure to answer these questions in your marketing.

8. Make it personal

Don't be shy to share more of yourself.

Why are you the right teacher to guide them?

We want to get to know you and your journey so we know that we can trust you.


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