What’s a Marketing Funnel? And why you should care

Your marketing funnel is the journey someone takes from discovering that you exist to eventually becoming a customer of yours.

This journey has 3 main stages:

Top of the Funnel: Discovery

Where and how can someone find you online (or offline)?

Think about the social media channels you’re active on, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. You might also write blog posts and/or publish YouTube videos that people can consume.

The goal of the first stage is to attract the right people to you.

Middle of the Funnel: Nurturing

How can someone get to know, like, and trust you?

Now, you want to take the relationship to the next level by getting people from social media onto your email list. Have a clear call-to-action to join your newsletter and/or get a lead magnet (e.g., a free guide, email course).

The goal of the second stage is to build and nurture the relationship with your audience.

Bottom of the Funnel: Sale

How will you convert your subscribers into paying customers?

The final stage is the events, launches, and evergreen pitches to sell what you have to offer.

The goal is to help your subscribers decide if what you’re offering is right for them.

Here is an example:

Now, why should you care about your Marketing Funnel?

It’s a useful framework to optimize your conversions and focus your energy.

To be successful, every part of your funnel has to work.

For example, you might run ads to reach more people, but without a compelling CTA and nurturing, you won’t increase your sales.

Find out where in your funnel you’re losing people and fix it.


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