The 10 Commandments of Creating a High-Converting Course Sales Page

Your course landing page is one of the essential marketing assets for selling your course. It pays off (literally) to get it right. So here are ten commandments to make your page stand out and convert better.

1. Grab their attention with your headline

Your headline is the first impression. It should make the reader curious about what you have to offer. When you speak to their dream outcome or biggest struggle you get them hooked.

And please, please, please, don't use your course name as the headline! It's a rookie mistake.

2. Make it clear who this is for

Your ideal student should land on your page and think, "This is made for me!" Let them know they're in the right place. Call out explicitly who will benefit the most from your course.

3. Meet them where they're at

Before telling them all about your course, show your reader that you understand their challenges. You can do that by painting a vivid picture of a real-life situation when someone is experiencing the problem. This will make them trust that you know the solution.

4. Clearly state the transformation

Your course is a shortcut for your students to go from A (where they are now) to B (where they want to be). What will their new improved future look like? Connect the dots for them.

5. Show how it works

Don't just list features. Show how each component of your course helps make the transformation happen. Here’s a simple formula: “[feature], so you can [benefit]”. And an example: “Join our weekly Q&A sessions, so you can get your burning questions answered.”

6. Subheads should give new information

Your subheads are prime real estate. Don't waste it! Remember that most readers are skimming your page so your subheads need to carry your message. For example, instead of a boring “How it works,” write “Our signature 5-step program to keeping weight off.”

7. Use more “you” than “I” or “we”

Your landing page isn't about you. It's all about your reader. Talk to them directly!

8. Be specific rather than generic

We’ve all seen them: meaningless buzzwords and overused cliches. I'm talking about words like passion, innovation, leadership, execution, cutting-edge, state-of-the-art.

What to write instead: If you're passionate about your work, how does this look like in practice? What do you do that demonstrates your passion? And how does this benefit your students? Write that down!

9. Why you?

Your readers need to trust you before they buy from you. Include your bio and explain why you're the best person to teach this and deliver results.

10. One Call-to-Action

What do you want your reader to do next? Don't confuse them with multiple options. Make sure there's only one explicit next step to take.

And that's it! Follow these ten essential steps to improve the conversions of your course landing page.


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